Rastislav Mandić (1994) Modeliranje interakcije armature i betona kod armiranobetonskih konstrukcija primenom metode konačnih elemenata. PhD thesis. Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu.[M71]
D. Grbić and S. Brčić and D. Šumarac and R. Mandić and Z. Mišković (1995) Mehanika 2: Zbirka ispitnih zadataka, 4. izm. i dop. izdanje. Građevinski fakultet u Beogradu.[MU]
D. Grbić and S. Brčić and D. Šumarac and R. Mandić and Z. Mišković (1992) Mehanika 1: Zbirka ispitnih zadataka, 4. dopunjeno izdanje. Научна књига и Грађевински факултет у Београду.[MU]
Међународне монографије
Nikola Hajdin and Rastislav Mandić (2000) A Contribution to the analysis of structure borne sound in bridges. In: (eds.) Recent Advances in Applied Mechanics, Hononary Volume for Professor A. N. Kounadis. , pp.186-193. [M14]
Rastislav Mandić (1988) Analysis of Thin-walled Beams with Deformable Cross sections. In: Natalija Naerlović-Veljković (eds.) Miscellany Dedicated to the 65. Birthday of Academician Prof. Dr. Nikola Hajdin. Faculty of Civil Engineering Belgrade and Institute of Technical Sciences of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, pp.293-300. [M14]
Међународни часописи
Aleksandar Prokić and Rastislav Mandić and Martina Vojnić-Purčar (2016) An improved analysis of free torsional vibration of axially loaded thin-walled beams with point-symmetric open cross-section. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 40 (23-24), pp.10199-10209. [M21]
A. Prokić and R. Mandić and M. Vojnić-Purčar (2015) Influence of bimoment on the torsional and flexural-torsional elastic stability of thin-walled beams. Thin-walled structures. 89 (), pp.25-30. [M21]
A. Prokić and R. Mandić and M. Bešević (2017) Bimoment contribution to buckling of thin-walled beams with different boundary conditions. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers. 143 (6), pp.1-6. [M22]
Aleksandar Prokić and Rastislav Mandić and Martina Vojnić-Purčar and Radomir Folić (2015) Torsional Buckling of Thin-Walled Beams in Presence of Bimoment Induced by Axial Loads. Tehnicki vjesnik-Technical gazette. 22 (1), pp.183-189. [M23]
Rastislav Mandić and Gordana Hadzi-Nikovic and Stanko Ćoric (2011) Investigation of the behavior of the cable-stayed bridge under test load. Geofizika. 28 (1), pp.145-160. [M23]
Josef Grob and Nikola Hajdin and Rastislav Mandić (1993) Beitrag zum Dynamischen Verhalten von Zugen nach der Entgleisung. Bauingenieur. 68 (12), pp.501-502. [M23]
Rastislav Mandić and Nikola Hajdin (1988) A contribution to the analysis of box beams with deformable cross section. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 9 (), pp.137-146. [M23]
Jefto Terzović and Rastislav Mandić (2017) A model for preventive restoration of architectural structures by steel and glass. Serbian Architectural Journal. 9 (1), pp.33-50. [M24]
Међународне конференције
Ratko Salatić and Rastislav Mandić and Marko Marinković (2016) Numerička analiza mehanizama loma zidane ispune kod AB ramova. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference: Seismic Engineering and Engineering Seismology. [M33]
Miodrag Nestorović and Jefto Terzović and Rastislav Mandić (2016) Čelični okviri sa ispunom od klirita ili stakla pod ciklkičnim opterećenjem. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference: Contemporary Achivements in Civil Engineering. [M33]
Ratko Salatić and Sanja Jočković and Rastislav Mandić (2014) Uticaj lokalnih uslova na oscilacije tla pri seizmičkoj pobudi. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference: Seismic Engineering and Engineering Seismology. [M33]
Ratko Salatić and Rastislav Mandić and Vedran Carević (2014) Pushover Analysis оf RC Frames with Masonry Infill. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference: Seismic Engineering and Engineering Seismology. [M33]
Ratko Salatić and Rastislav Mandić and Nikola Tošić (2014) Effect of base isolation on seismic response of multi-story buildings a case study. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference: Civil Engineering - Science and Practice GNP 2014. [M33]
Rastislav Mandić and Ratko Salatić and Zoran Perović and Marko Marinković (2013) Experiences in the Numerical Modelling of Masonry Infilled Frames. In: Proceedings of the 4th Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics. [M33]
Rastislav Mandić and Ratko Salatić and Zoran Perović (2012) A contribution to the non-linear analysis of frames with masonry infill. In: Proceedings of the 3rd international conference: Seismic Engineering and Engineering Seismology. [M33]
Rastislav Mandić and Ratko Salatic and Zoran Perović (2012) Analysis of masonry walls and infilled frames subjected to horizontal load. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference: Civil Engineering - Science and Practice GNP 2012. [M33]
Rastislav Mandić and Ratko Salatić and Zoran Perović (2011) Numerical modelling of masonry walls subjected to lateral in-plane load. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics. [M33]
S. Jensen and V. Mogensen and O. Sorensen and N. Hajdin and G. Srećković and B. Stipanić and R. Mandić (2004) Sloboda bridge debris clearance project, Danube clearance in Novi Sad. In: Proceedings of the 5th International conference on Bridges across the Danube - Bridges in Danube Basin. [M33]
Nikola Hajdin and Rastislav Mandić (2004) Experiences in the modeling of structure borne sound in bridges for rail traffic. In: Proceedings of the 5th International conference on Bridges across the Danube - Bridges in Danube Basin. [M33]
Nikola Hajdin and Rastislav Mandić (2002) Destruction and reconstruction of Sloboda bridge in Novi Sad. In: Proceedings of the 4th Greek National Conference on Steel Structures, Patras, Greece. [M33]
Miodarg Sekulović, Ratko Salatić, Rastislav Mandić, Marija Nefovska (2002) Energy Dissipation in steel frames with Semi-Rigid Connections. In: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, London. [M33]
Nikola Hajdin and Gradimir Srećković and Dragomir Lukić and Miloš Lazovic and Rastislav Mandić (2001) Review of damage and reparation of piers on bombed and destroyed Sloboda bridge over the in Novi Sad. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Bridges across the Danube, Bratislava. [M33]
Nikola Hajdin and Rastislav Mandić (2001) Crushing of ships bow structure during collison with bridge piers. In: Proceedings of the 6th National Congress on Mechanics (Hellenic Society of Applied Mechanics), Thessaloniki. [M33]
M. Sekulović, R. Salatić, R. Mandić (2000) Parametric Analysis of Frames with Semi-Rigid Connections Subjected to Earthquake /. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Earthquake Engineering (ISEE 2000). [M33]
Miodrag Sekulović and Ratko Salatić and Ratsislav Mandić (2000) Seismic Analysis of Frames with Semi-Rigid and Eccentric Connections. In: Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Earthquake Engineering (12WCEE 2000), Auckland, New Zealand. [M33]
Nikola Hajdin and Rastislav Mandić and Zoran Mišković (1996) Computer aided analysis of train impact on structures adjacent to the track. In: Advances in Computational Methods for Simulation - Proceedings of the International Conference Advances in computational technology, Budapest. [M33]
Nikola Hajdin and Rastislav Mandić and Nenad Amodaj (1996) Computational modelling of vehicle impact on structures. In: Petar Miljanić (eds.) SOLID MECHANICS (Proceedings of 2nd Serbian-Greek Symposium on Solid Mechanics). Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Odeljenje tehničkih nauka, pp.119-128. [M33]
Nikola Hajdin and Rastislav Mandić (1995) Ship Collision with Bridges - a Contribution to the Standardization of Vessel Impact Forces for Bridges on the Danube. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference "Bridges over the Danube", Bucharest. [M33]
Z. Mišković and R. Mandić and B. Kolundžija (1998) Determination of limit load of reinforced concrete walls using stress field with rriangular elements and bilinear stressdistribution. In: Proceedings of the international Conference on Numerical Methods in Computational Mechanics in Science and Engineering, Miskolc. [M34]
Nikola Hajdin and Rastislav Mandić and Zorna Mišković (1998) A model for railway track - bridge interaction due to temperature changes. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Recent Advances in Mechanics, Xanthi, Greece. [M34]
Rastislav Mandić and Miodrag Sekulović (1996) A finite element model for bond effects in anchorage zones of reinforced concrete beams. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Methods in Computational Mechanics in Science and Engineering, Miskolc. [M34]
Домаће монографије
Rastislav Mandić (2013) Примена теорије танкозидних штапова у прорачуну мостовских носача са сандучастим попречним пресеком. In: Đ. Zloković and G. Srećković and N. Marković (eds.) Зборник у част Николе Хајдина (поводом деведесетог рођендана). Helicon Publishing, pp.77-94. [M44]
Rastislav Mandić (2008) Моделирање садејства арматуре и бетона. In: Ђ. Вуксановић (eds.) ТЕОРИЈА КОНСТРУКЦИЈА, Монографија посвећена успомени на покојног академика, проф. Др Милана Ђурића. Грађевински факултет Универзитета у Београду, pp.177-182. [M44]
Nikola Hajdin and Rastislav Mandić and Zoran Mišković (1996) Računska simulacija udara železničkih kompozicija u gradjevinske objekte. In: Petar Miljanić (eds.) MEHANIKA, MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE. Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Odeljenje tehničkih nauka, pp.111-122. [M44]
Miodrag Sekulović and Đorđe Vuksanović and Branislav Pujević and Rastislav Mandić (1996) Savremeni modeli za numeričku analizu armiranobetonskih konstrukcija. In: Petar Miljanić (eds.) MEHANIKA MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE. Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Odeljenje tehničkih nauka, pp.467-478. [M44]
Branislav Pujević and Rastislav Mandić (1993) Dvodimenzionalni problemi. In: Miodrag Sekulović (eds.) Teorija konstrukcija - savremeni problemi nelinearne analize. Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, pp.195-242. [M44]
Nikola Hajdin and Rastislav Mandić and Zoran Mišković (1992) Dinamika voza posle iskliznuća i odredjivanje brzina njegovih elemenata u trenutku udara na gradjevinske konstrukcije. In: (eds.) Savremeni problemi građevinskog konstrukterstva. Društvo građevinskih inžinjera Srbije, pp.9-12. [M45]
Miodrag Sekulović and Rastislav Mandić (eds.) (1996) Развој науке у области грађевинарства и геодезије у Србији. Граћевински факултет Универзитета у Београду и Грађевинска књига, Београд[M48]
Домаћи и М53 часописи
Ratko Salatić and Rastislav Mandić and Marko Marinković (2014) Metodologija projeкtovanja nadogradnje zidanih objekata. Izgradnja. 68 (5-6), pp.249-256. [M51]
Ratko Salatić and Rastislav Mandić and Marko Marinković (2013) Seizmički proračun zidanih zgrada prema Evrokodu 8. Izgradnja. 67 (5-6), pp.221-234. [M51]
Ratko Salatić and Rastislav Mandić and Luka Popržen (2014) Seizmička izolacija zgrada. Građevinski kalendar. 46 (), pp.1-69. [M52]
Rastislav Mandić (2005) Sandučasti nosači sa deformabilnim poprečnim presekom i krutim dijafragmama. Zbornik radova Gradjevinskog fakulteta u Subotici. 14 (), pp.184-189. [M53]
Rastislav Mandić (2004) Jedan numerički postupak za analizu interakcije između armature i betona. Zbornik radova Gradjevinskog fakulteta u Subotici. 13 (), pp.120-125. [M53]
Nikola Hajdin and Rastislav Mandić (2000) Ship collision with civil engineering structures. Bulletin de l’academie serbe des sciences et des artes, Classe des sciences techniques. 120 (28), pp.15-27. [M53]
Домаће конференције
Ratko Salatić and Rastislav Mandić and Marko Marinković and Vedran Carević (2014) Моделирање зидане испуне применом комерцијалног рачунарског програма. In: Зборник радова: X научно стручни скуп: Савремена теорија и пракса у градитељтву. [M63]
Ratko Salatić and Rastislav Mandić (2010) Seizmička analiza višespratnih čeličnih okvira sa polukrutim vezama. In: Zbornik radova: Drugo naučno-stručno Savetovanje: Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i inženjerska seizmologija. [M63]
Miodrag Sekulović and Ratko Salatić and Rastislav Mandić (2001) Viscous Damping in the Analysis of Steel Frames. In: Zbornik radova: XXIII jugoslovenski kongres teorijske i primenjene mehanike. [M63]
Nikola Hajdin and Rastislav Mandić (1995) Prilog analizi udara broda u mostovske stubove. In: Zbornik radova: XXI jugoslovenski kongres teorijske i primenjene mehanike. [M63]
Živorad Bojović and Rastislav Mandić (1988) Nekonzervativna kritična sila štapa promenljivog poprečnog preseka / Ž. Bojović, R. Mandić. In: Zbornik radova: XVIII jugoslovenski kongres teorijske i primenjene mehanike, Vrnjačka Banja 1988, knjiga C1. [M63]
Rastislav Mandić and Nikola Hajdin (1988) Odredjivanje efektivne širine pojaseva kod tankozidnih nosača izloženih savijanju. In: Zbornik radova: XVIII jugoslovenski kongres teorijske i primenjene mehanike. [M63]
Nikola Hajdin and Rastislav Mandić and Zoran Mišković (1988) Analiza interakcije koloseka i višedelnog grednog mosta usled temperaturnih promena. In: Zbornik radova: X Kongres Društva gradjevinskih konstruktera Jugoslavije. [M63]
Stanko Brčić and Rastislav Mandić and Dragoljub Grbić (1987) Analitičko rešenje uticaja poprečnog vetra na lančanicu. In: Zbornik radova: VIII kongres Društva gradjevinskih konstruktera Jugoslavije. [M63]
Rastislav Mandić and Nikola Hajdin (1986) Proračun tankozidnih nosača zatvorenog i deformabilnog poprečnog preseka sa zanemarenjem sekundarne smičuće deformacije. In: Zbornik radova: XVII jugoslovenski kongres teorijske i primenjene mehanike. [M63]
Natalija Naerlović-Veljković and Rastislav Mandić (1984) Prilog teoriji termokonsolidacije. In: Zbornik radova: XVI jugoslovenski kongres teorijske i primenjene mehanike. [M63]
Rastislav Mandić and Ernest Hinton (1990) Developments in the Finite Element Modeling of Bond Effects in Reinforced Concrete. Department of Civil Engineering, University College of Swansea, Swansea, Report CR/649/90.[M]
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