Dr Oleg R. Odalović
Label [M]: evaluation of scientific results ref. year
  • Odalović, Oleg and Grekulović, Sanja and Vasiljević, Ivana (2018) Глобални геопотенцијални модели. [MU]
  • Олег Одаловић, Сања Грекуловић (2011) Физичка геодезија, Збирка задатака. Републички геодетски завод. [MU]
  • Одаловић, Олег (2010) Физичка геодезија. Грађевински факултет Универзитета у Београду. [MU]
International journals
  • Odalović, Oleg and Medved, Klemen and Naod, Sofija (2022) Modeling of vertical gravity gradient by normal gravity field and digital terrain models. Journal of Geodesy, Springer. 96 () DOI: 10.1007/s00190-022-01669-y [M21]
  • Medved, Klemen and Odalović, Oleg and Koler, Božo (2021) New Bouguer Anomaly Map for the Territory of the Slovenia. Remote Sensing. 13 (22) DOI: 10.3390/rs13224510 [M21]
  • Nina, Aleksandra and Nico, Giovanni and Odalović, Oleg and Čadež, Vladimir M and Drakul, Miljana Todorović and Radovanović, Milan and Popović, Luka Č (2019) GNSS and SAR Signal Delay in Perturbed Ionospheric D-Region During Solar X-Ray Flares. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. () [M21]
  • Vasiljević, Slavko and Vasić, Dejan and Odalović, Oleg and Blagojević, Dragan and Milovanović, Branko (2020) Horizontal coordinates transformation and residuals modelling on the territory of the Republic of Srpska. Survey Review. () DOI: 10.1080/00396265.2020.1781357 [M22]
  • Stanković, Marko and Odalović, Oleg and Marković, Miloš (2022) Validation and comparison of several global geopotential models with an official quasigeoid solution of Serbia. Geodetski vestnik. 66 () DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2022.03.432-448 [M23]
  • Petković, D. and Odalović, O. and Nina, A. (2022) Influence of the solar hydrogen Lyα line on the GNSS signal delay in the ionospheric D-region. Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso. 52 (3), pp.116-125. DOI: 10.31577/caosp.2022.52.3.116 [M23]
  • Marković, Miloš and Odalović, Oleg and Stanković, Marko (2022) Calculating the differences of VTEC values obtained by altimetric and GNSS observations in coastal areas. Survey Review. () DOI: 10.1080/00396265.2022.2137130 [M23]
  • Naod, Sofija and Odalović, Oleg and Brajović, Ljiljana and Savanović, Rajko (2021) History of geodetic works in Vojvodina (Northern Serbia) and use of old maps in Serbian national spatial data infrastructure. Survey Review. () DOI: 10.1080/00396265.2021.1886546 [M23]
  • Gad, Moamen Awad Habib and Odalovic, Oleg and Naod, Sofija (2020) Possibility to determine highly precise geoid for Egypt territory. . 64 (), pp.578593. DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2020.04.578-593 [M23]
  • Moamen Awad, Habib Gad and Odalović, Oleg and Naod, Sofija (2020) Possibility to determine highly precise geoid for Egypt territory. GEODETSKI VESTNIK. 64 () DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2020.04.578-593 [M23]
  • Odalović, Oleg and Todorović Drakul, Miljana and Grekulović, Sanja and Popović, Jovan and Joksimović, Danilo (2018) Chronology of the development of geodetic reference networks in Serbia. Survey Review. 50 (359), pp.163--173. [M23]
  • Odalović, Oleg and Grekulović, Sanja and Starcević, Miroslav and Nikolić, Dobrica and Todorović-Drakul, Miljana and Joksimović, Danilo (2018) Terrain correction computations using digital density model of topographic masses. Geodetski vestnik. 62 (1), pp.79--97. [M23]
  • Todorović Drakul, Miljana and Samardžić Petrović, Mileva and Grekulović, Sanja and Odalović, Oleg and Blagojević, Dragan (2017) Modelling extreme values of the total electron content: Case study of Serbia. Geofizika. 34 (2), pp.298--314. [M23]
  • Todorović-Drakul, Miljana and Samardžić, Mileva and Grekulović, Sanja and Odalović, Oleg and Blagojević, Dragan (2016) Total electron content prediction using machine learning techniques. Proceedings of GeoMLA, Geostatistics and Machine Learning, Application in Climate and Environmental Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia 21-24 June 2016. (), pp.40--44. [M23]
  • Odalović, Oleg and Starcević, Miroslav and Grekulović, Sanja and Burazer, Milenko and Aleksić, I (2012) The establishment of a new gravity reference frame for Serbia. Survey Review. 44 (327), pp.272--281. [M23]
  • Aleksic, IR and Odalovic, OR and Blagojevic, DM (2010) State survey and real estate cadastre in Serbia development and maintenance strategy. Survey review. 42 (318), pp.388--396. [M23]
  • Kaufmann, Juerg and Aleksic, Ivan R and Odalovic, Oleg R (2009) Real estate cadastre development in Serbia. Geodetski list. 63 (3), pp.243--254. [M23]
  • Odalović, Oleg and Joksimović, Danilo and Grekulović, Sanja and Todorović-Drakul, Miljana and Popović, Jovan (2015) Evaluation of normal heights by the means of global navigation satellite systems and global geopotential model. Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva. 95 (4), pp.103--124. [M24]
International conferences
  • Grekulović, Sanja and Odalović, Oleg and Todorović Drakul, Miljana and Petković, Dušan (2022) Estimation of vertical accuracy of digital terrain model FABDEM on the territory of the republic of Serbia. In: . DOI: 10.5593/sgem2022/2.1/s09.25 [M33]
  • Todorović-Drakul, Miljana and Grekulović, Sanja and Odalovic, Oleg and Petković, Dušan (2022) Comparison of IRI-2016 and NEQUICK models of the ionosphere over the Balkan Peninsula during the year 2019, Поређење IRI-2016 и NEQUICK модела јонофере изнад Балканског полуострва током 2019. године. In: . DOI: 10.7251/STP2215283T [M33]
  • Petković, Dušan and Odalović, Oleg and Nina, Aleksandra (2022) Influence of the solar hydrogen Lya line on the GNSS signal delay in the ionospheric D-region. Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso. 52 (3), pp.125-116. DOI: 10.31577/caosp.2022.52.3.116 [M33]
  • Odalović, Oleg and Grekulović, Sanja and Todorović Drakul, Miljana and Petković, Dušan (2022) Determinations of the preliminary coordinates for the new GNSS permanent station network in Serbia. In: . DOI: 10.5593/sgem2022/2.1/s09.23 [M33]
  • Grekulovic, Sanja and Odalovic, Oleg and Drakul, Miljana Todorović (2017) Indirect effect of the helmert condensation reduction over the territory of Serbia. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM: Surveying Geology & mining Ecology Management. 17 (), pp.355--360. [M33]
  • Drakul, Miljana Todorović and Odalovic, Oleg and Grekulovic, Sanja (2017) Calibration of the levelling rods using laser interferometer. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM: Surveying Geology & mining Ecology Management. 17 (), pp.147--154. [M33]
  • Odalovic, Oleg and Grekulovic, Sanja and Joksimovic, Danilo and Drakul, Miljana Todorović and Popović, Jovan (2016) Selection of the global geopotential model 2008 optimal degree for height anomalies determination. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM: Surveying Geology & mining Ecology Management. 2 (), pp.539--546. [M33]
  • Odalovic, Oleg and Grekulovic, Sanja and Joksimovic, Danilo and Drakul, Miljana Todorović and Popović, Jovan (2016) Determination of discrete values of anomaly heights at territory of Montenegro. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM: Surveying Geology & mining Ecology Management. 2 (), pp.177--184. [M33]
  • Blagojević, Dragan and Todorović-Drakul, Miljana and Odalović, Oleg and Grekulović, Sanja and Popović, Jovan and Joksimović, Danilo (2016) Variations of total electron content over Serbia during the increased solar activity period in 2013 and 2014. Geodetski vestnik. 60 (4), pp.734--744. [M33]
  • Odalović, Oleg and Grekulović, Sanja and Vasiljević, Ivana and Todorović-Drakul, Miljana and Popović, Jovan (2015) Transformation of gravimetric geoid/quasigeoid in the system of orthometric/normal heights of Serbia leveling network. Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing, Vol II (Sgem 2015). (), pp.593--601. [M33]
  • Odalović, Oleg and Grekulović, Sanja (2015) Difference between geoid and quasigeoid at the territory of Serbia. Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing, Vol II (Sgem 2015). (), pp.219--225. [M33]
  • Odalovic, Oleg and Grekulovic, Sanja and Vasiljevic, Ivana (2013) Evaluation and comparision recent global geopotential model in Serbia. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM: Surveying Geology & mining Ecology Management. 2 (), pp.175. [M33]
  • Odalovic, Oleg and Grekulovic, Sanja (2013) Transformation of classical geodetic control networks 7to international terestrical reference frame by transformation grids. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM: Surveying Geology & mining Ecology Management. 2 (), pp.509. [M33]
  • Odalović, Oleg (2006) Geoid determination in Serbia. [M33]
  • Odalovic, O and Gucevic, J and Ogrizovic, V and Aleksic, I (2003) Analysis of vertical deflection differences obtained by astrogeodetic and gravimetric methods. Publications de l’Observatoire Astronomique de Beograd. 75 (), pp.217--220. [M33]
National conferences
  • Odalović, Oleg and Petković, Dušan and Grekulović, Sanja and Todorović-Drakul, Miljana (2022) Одређивање мерне несигурности резултата мерења просторног растојања применом глобалних навигационих сателитских система, Determination of spatial distance measurement uncertainty using global navigation satellite systems. In: . [M63]
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