Dear colleagues, dear students and friends,
Welcome to the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade web presentation!
The Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Belgrade is the oldest and most respected educational and scientific institution in the field of civil engineering, geodesy and geoinformatics in our country. Our faculty can boast of a long and rich tradition. Teaching in the field of construction in Belgrade began in 1846, when Prince Serbian Aleksandar Karađorđević founded the School of Engineering. That is why this year is on emblem of our faculty with the Latin words: studere, docere, aedificare (research, educate, build) representing the activity of the faculty in the field of teaching, science and practice.
Engineers who graduated from our faculty have achieved significant success in the design and construction of all types of structures in our country and abroad, many of whom belong to great construction achievements. Many former students work in the world's most prestigious companies and in the most famous universities worldwide.
This presentation is conceived to give you an insight into the work and life of our school, but also to help students in their studies. It provides information about Departments, Institutes, faculty Services, student organizations, Library and curricula of all subjects, examination results, materials for study.
The work of civil engineers, surveyors and geoinformatics engineers requires great responsibility. Therefore, studies at our faculty require dedication and a serious approach. The key to success is continuous learning with regular attendance of lectures, participation in exercises and completion of pre-examination obligations. Students who adhere to these recommendations will graduate on time and achieve good results.
J congratulate to all students who have enrolled our faculty this year. The Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Belgrade is a reputable institution, and you should really be proud of your choice. I believe that in three years we will meet at the awarding of bachelor's degree, and in five years we will celebrate your entry into the academic community as master engineers in the field of civil engineering, geodesy and geoinformatics.
Dean prof. Dr. Branislav Bajat, BSc Geodesy