From establishment of the Engineering School in Belgrade in 1864, Mechanics was and still is one of the fundamental disciplines of civil engineering. Still, the first Deprtment for Engineering Mechanics at the Civil Engineering Department of the Technical Faculty in Belgrade, considering it as in the present sense, was founded in 1910 by efforts of Professor Arnovljević, and a little later by Professors Zadjina and Hlitchiev. The subjects that “belonged” to the Chair at that time were Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Statics of Structures, i.e. in the essence, very similar as today.
The Department for Engineering Mechanics and the Theory of Structures is responsible for lecturing and development of the fundamental courses for all modules of the study programs Civil Engineering and Geodesy at the Civil Engineering Faculty, University of Belgrade. Within the framework of the Undergraduate and Graduate academic studies the courses, or the group of courses of the Department, are:
• Engineering Mechanics
• Strength of Materials
• Statics (i.e. the Theory) of Structures
• Matrix Analysis of Structures
• Theory of Plates and Shells
• Dynamics of Structures and Earthquake Engineering
• Finite Element Method
• Stability of Structures
• Elastoplastic Analysis of Structures
• Fundamentals of Composite Structures
• Application of Computers in Design of Structures
• Driving Mechanics
Within the Doctoral academic studies various courses from the field of the Applied Mechanics, i.e. the Theory of Structures, are taught. They are: Continuum Mechanics, Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Theory of Plasticity, Finite Element Method, Nonlinear Analysis, Stability of Structures, Dynamics of Structures, Seismic Analysis of Structures, Composite Structures, Stability of Plates and Steel Girders, Numerical Modelling of Nonlinear Concrete Behavior …
Some of the most eminent scientists and promoters of the essential development in the various fields of Applied Mechanics in Serbia and wider, in the former Yugoslavia, were the members of the Department for Engineering Mechanics and the Theory of Structures of the Civil Engineering Faculty, University of Belgrade. It should also be emphasized that development of science in the field of Applied Mechanics was always closely connected with development of the civil engineering practice. In other words, the eminent professors, members of the Department for Engineering Mechanics and the Theory of Structures, are at the same time the leading designers of numerous and important civil engineering structures. Presently, the Department consists of the 22 teachers and assistants, out of which 5 are the full professors, 5 associated professors, 5 assistant professors as well as 7 assistants and assistants-students of the doctoral studies.