Institutes are basic scientific and research organizational units on a Faculty, where scientific research and expertise activities take place through the development of research projects, studies, expertise, field and laboratory testing, as well as through the reviews and drafting of technical documentation in the field of civil engineering and geodesy. In addition to performing creative and specific research and highly professional activities of a Faculty’s common interest, institutes may be involved in the provision of commercial services within a Faculty’s activities.
Scientific research and expertise work of institutes is conducted through:
• drafting research projects and topics, which are funded by respective Ministry, or other
interested institution
• preparation and revision of investment and technical documentation
• preparation of studies, expertise, laboratory and field testing
At the Institute for Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, under the auspices of UNESCO, operates the International Center for water in urban areas IRTCUD / CUW (International Research and Training Centre on Urban Drainage / Centre for Urban Water).